Sujet : Quests | | Posté le 26-02-2007 ŕ 20:04:22
| You can find here some quest |
| | Posté le 26-02-2007 ŕ 20:05:09
| Quest 2 Narutooh(Starting Town): Speak to Chief Guard, Mak Ansoo. You will be asked to find Demon Strategic map. You can get them from Demon Spearhead outside town. Once you returned the map, you will be asked to deliver a message to general Sae-won. He is located somewhere near the crow statue at Jook-Suh cargo station, north east of main town (Narootuh). Reward: 200geon, 1 Contribution Point No Level Requirement Quest 3 Narutooh(Starting Town): Talk to Chief guard Sea-Geun(near the bridge). Go hunt demon spearheads to get the message. Return to Sea-Guen. Reward: 50 EXP. No Level Requirement Quest 4 Narutooh(Starting Town) Speak to the boat guard, Gwang Chun, near the shores. You will be asked to deliver a message to Nu Rook. He is located at cargo station. Speak to him, bring back an item to Gwang Chun. Reward: 200geon, 2 small medicine NO Level Requirement Quest 5 Narutooh(Starting Town): Talk to Farmer Jee-Huhn. He'll tell you to find General Poong-Seup, cause he's missing. Talk to General Joo-Jimin near the steps to the skill masters. He'll tell you to kill Demon Escort Archers and get 20 bows to prove that you are not a spy. Return to General Joo-Jimin and he'll tell you General Poong-Seup has won the battle in Chung-song and is defending Chung-song. So now go to Farmer Jee-Huhn and tell him. Reward: 542xp + 1 contribution point LEVEL 6 Quest 6 Cargo Station: Talk to Farmer Nu-Woong and u have to go to Geun-Oh Mine Town to find Gwee Sik miner. Next, hunt suicide bombers till u collected 20 suicide bomber oil and bring back to miner Gwee silk at the Geun-Oh Mine Town. Last, go back to Farmer Nu-Woong. Reward 1157 exp + 1 contribution point LEVEL 8 Quest 7 Narutooh(Starting Town): Talk to Farmer Ha-jik He will say he has sent rice to Farmer Nu-Woong in cargo station. Talk to Farmer Nu-Woong, and wow, surprise! He didn't get the rice. Go back to the main town to tell Farmer Ha-Jik. He then tells you that he passed the rice to Boatman Gwang-Chun. Find Gwang-Chun, then he would tell you that he can't deliver the rice because of the Big handed Inhabitants. Now go kill them to get 30 Big handed inhabitant's teeth! Note teeth, not head. Go back to Gwang-Chun and he will tell you the rice have been robbed, go kill Demon Carcass Scavengers to get it back. . When you have collected them, go back to Farmer Ha-jik. Reward: 2250xp + 1 contribution point LEVEL 10 Quest 8 Cargo Station: Talk to a Guard Won-Jung. Then Go to find a women call Yea-jin at main town narootuh near the crow statue (beside Assassin List). Next go and hunt Big Hand Slaves and collect 20 Milk Vetch and 20 White peony and bring back to tat women. Lastly Go back to Guard Won-jung. Reward 2500 exp + 1 skill point LEVEL 11 Quest 9 Cargo Station: Talk to general sae-won. You will be asked to collect 50 Demon Scavengers bodies. You can find the demon scavengers north of the cargo station, beyond Big handed Inhabitant Reward: 2600 xp, 1 contribution point LEVEL 12 Quest 10 Cargo Station: Talk to Chief guard, Guh-Sosun Then Talk to Yae Jin And Fetch 25 white poeny and 25 milk vetch for Yae Jin And Gave the Tonic to Chief guard, Guh-Sosun. Reward: 2722 exp + 1000 geons LEVEL 13 Quest 11 Miner Town: Talk to Joo-Nong. He'll ask you to get Alcohol for him. Find Ok-Jin in cargo town, near the fruit merchant. She'll say she wants to avenge her husband. Go kill Demon soldiers and get 40 Demon Soldier Teeth. Return to Ok-Jin and she'll give you a Rice Wine. Go to Miner town and give to Joo-Nong Reward: 3534xp + 1 contribution point LEVEL 14 Quest 12 Miner Town: Talk to Gwee Sik and he'll tell you that the rice cakes sent by Farmer Ha-jik has not arrived. Go to the main town and ask Ha-jik. He'll then tell you that he was attacked by Big Handed Blue Warriors. Hunt them to get 50 rice cakes. Go back to main town and Ha-jik will tell you he is injured. So now bring the rice cakes to Gwee Sik. Reward: 600geon + 4000xp + 1 skill point LEVEL 15 Quest 13 Cargo Station: Talk to Wa-Ryu near the Storage keeper. He has lost the talisman his wife gave him. Fight Big handed Red warriors to find it. They are at beyond the bridge towards the miners town. Bring it back to him. Reward: 600geon + 4000xp + 1 skill point LEVEL 16 Quest 14 Talk to Yae-jin. She wants to look for her father. Go to the miner's town to find Joo-Nong, her father. Joo-Nong will tell you that his gold was taken by Demon Infantry. Get 'em and collect 60 gold. Return the gold to Joo-Nong and then go back to find Yae-Jin to tell her the news. Reward: 4800xp + 1 skill point LEVEL 17 Quest 15 Miner Town: Talk to Guard Yang-Do. Demon Throwing soldiers have taken his bamboo poles. Kill them to collect 60 bamboo poles. After you finish, Yang-Do will find Yoo-An's letter in the bamboo poles. Bring the letter to Ok-Jin cargo station, whom Yoo-An loves. She can't accept the letter as she still remember her husband. Return to the miner town to tell Yang-Do. Reward: 4800xp + 1 skill point LEVEL 18 Quest 16 Finding The Statue Of Protection Go talk to Gwee Sik at miner then go talk to Joo-Nong at miner also Joo-Nong says that the Statue of Protection is taken by demons with red light Hunt Wild Demon Soldier and collect 60 Statue. Reward : 5600 Exp and 1 Contribution LEVEL 19 Quest 17 Cargo Station: Talk to Ja-Gan. He wants to help the poor, but he lost his gold, go kill demon shock troopers. Return to Ja-Gan and he'll tell you to give the 60 gold to the poor. Go to the Mine town and find Won-Ga, near the merchant area. Now return to Ja-Gan to tell him the good news. Reward: 7000xp + 1 skill point LEVEL 20 Quest 18 Cargo Station: Talk to General Sae-won. He'll want you to collect 70 red flags. Go hunt Demon flag Bearers. Reward: 8500xp + 1 contribution point LEVEL 21 Quest 19 Cargo Station: Go to General Sae-Won, for improving morale bring 70 head of the demon water dragon and give to the general. Reward : 10k exp + 1 contribution point LEVEL 23 |
| | Posté le 26-02-2007 ŕ 20:06:08
| Quest 20 Cargo Station: Demon Drum Go to General SaeWon in cargo station. He will tell u that he retreat from battle because demon drum made them demoralised. Hunt Demon Band and get 80 Demon Drum. Reward : 12000 Exp and 1 Skill Point LEVEL 25 Quest 21 Cargo Station: Collecting Armors Go the Chief guh sosun hunt 80 demon Armoured Soldier armor Reward : 14500 exp and 1 contribution point LEVEL 26 Quest 22 Collecting Clothes That Are Stained With Blood Cargo station: Go to guard Won Jun in cargo station. He will ask u to collect his friends clothes to cconduct a religious service. Hunt Hungry Demon Water Dragon n get 80 Blood Stained Clothes. Reward : 16300 Exp and 1 Skill Point and 1 Contribution Point LEVEL 27 Quest 23 Materials Of Winter Clothes Cargo Station: Go to chief guard Guh-sosun in cargo station. He want to make winter clotkes for his soldier. Hunt Demon Water Dragon Predator n get 80 Demon Water Dragon Skin. Reward : 19000 Exp and 1 Contribution and 1 Skill Point LEVEL 28 Quest 24 Demon Mad Knight Cargo Station: Go to General SaeWon in cargo station. Hunt Demon Mad Knight and get 80 Demon Mad Knight Head. Reward : 22000 Exp and 1 contritbution point and1 Skill point. LEVEL 29 Quest 25 Temp Fort Mother Moon Hee Go talk to Mother Moon Hee and next talk to ghost Moon Hee. Collect 1 Moon Hee's doll from Cast Baby Ghost give to Ghost Moon Hee reward 29,000 exp + 1 con point LEVEL 30 Quest 26 Temp Fort Fort guard Heung-Pae near the wall from entr Collect 1 tooth of wolf necklace from ghost of young man Reward: 35,000 xp 1 Contribution point LEVEL 31 Quest 27 Temp Fort Talk to the chief guard duk-yoon Fight ghost of young woman and get 10 ghost beads return to mother moon hee and the chief Pls note Beads hard to get !!! might took u a level to complete it Reward: 42k exp 1 con point LEVEL 32 Quest 28 Miner Town Talk to Guard Yang-Doo Fight Demon Commander and collect the secret message Reward: 47k exp + 1 skill point LEVEL 33 Quest 29 Temp Fort Talk to Fort Guard Song-Go Fight Ghost of Blacksmith And collect 10 Blacksmith Beads Reward: 62k exp + 1 contribution point LEVEL 34 |
| | Posté le 26-02-2007 ŕ 20:06:59
| Quest 30 Temp Fort Talk to Fort Guard Dan-Bok Fight Ghost of Guard And collect 10 Ghost Guard Beads Reward: 76k exp + 1 contribution point LEVEL 35 Quest 31 Miner Town Talk to Miner Gwee-Sik And Fight Demon Dragon Commander for the skin Reward: 78k exp + 1 contribution point +1 skill LEVEL 36 Quest 32 Temp Fort Talk to Fort Guard Ga-Gee Fight Fellow Traveller And collect 10 Fellow Traveller Beads Reward: 80k exp + 1 contribution point LEVEL 37 Quest 33 Temp Fort Talk to Fort Guard Soo-Sung Fight Sealed Troop And collect 10 Sealed Troop Beads Reward: 90k exp + 1 skill point LEVEL 38 Quest 34 Temp Fort Talk to Soldier, Yoo-Sang Fight Devil Soldier with Bow And Colleet 10 Bow Reward: 100k exp + 1 contribution point LEVEL 39 Quest 35 Temp Fort Talk to Soldier, Lim-Gang Fight Devil Soldier with Spears And Collect 10 Spears Reward: 110k exp + 1 contribution point LEVEL 40 UPDATED Quest 36 Temp Fort Talk to Too-Woo to find out his son sickness and get the medicine Talk to Hyuu Woong and find out that the medicine taken away by the monster. Fight Enemy of Hyuu Woong to get 1 Head And Return back to Too-woo Reward: 110825 exp LEVEL 41 |